Natural Law is the Only Law

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Part 1 – What is Truth, Morality, Consciousness

Chris Youngblood December 13, 2023

“Why in the world are we here?

“Surely not to live in pain and fear.”

-John Lennon “Instant Karma”


What is truth? This is not only a question Pontius Pilate asked Christ. Many have grasped at this straw to come up with varieties of answers. However, if one is honest about truth, it really boils down to one definition. “That which is.” This can be looked at as such a simple definition. There is no wrestling, no quarreling, no reasoning with this. Truth simply is.

When we look at the current state of the world what can we say that is true? There are many different belief systems, creeds, man made laws, superstitions, fears. A gamut of opinions will come about regarding these different subjects. Simple axioms are the sun will come out tomorrow and if you step off a cliff that is very high, you will fall to your death (the universal law of gravity).

If someone were to say, “The sun will not come out tomorrow,” that person would be Joe Walsh ‘Living a Life of Illusion’ or delusion. We could say this person obviously is crazy or does not know the truth.

Does “the truth” really care whether we know it or not? If it simply just is, then the answer is a flat out “No.” The truth could care less if humans know it, let alone come into alignment with it.

A man and a woman go for a beautiful picnic in Big Sur with their two year old. The man and woman have some wine and start to relax and take nature in. Their two year old wanders off and steps off a cliff. I won’t say the result, because that is axiomatic.

Did gravity care that the baby did not know the truth regarding it?

When we look at the world, most people can agree that in the aggregate, humans are suffering. Wars, tyranny, illusion of authority, cruelty to others, murder, rape, assault, coercion, violence to the most vulnerable. Yes, there are happy individuals who do not commit these acts that lead to suffering, but in the aggregate, we are suffering and stuffing our species down the toilet.

That might be harsh, but it is the truth (that which is). It doesn’t have to be that way though. What I listed above are effects. These are effects in the world that we all agree are happening.

Why are these effects happening? Is it really so simple to figure out? How could one attain the knowledge to understand why these effects happen?

That last question above leads to causes. Causes, root causes, causal factors, is what I am going to discuss in my Natural Law series. I can’t tell how long this will take cause frankly, I don’t know. It is required of me to propagate this knowledge because I have come by it. I am not special, this information can be come to by an act of the heart, the will, the supplanting of ego identity and replaced with the Self, and lastly, the Trivium Method (Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric). I am not the first person to come by this Cosmic Law and surely won’t be the last. Truth was here long before I incarnated into this 3D space and it will be here long after I am gone.

I live in the realm of effects. Therefore, I am affected by the pain and suffering in the world. My fellow man and woman are too. These effects are in the macro, the causes are in the micro.

Many in the truth movement talk about effects. The conspiracy of WEF, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Rhodes Scholarships, Technocracy, Weather Manipulation, Covert Coups, False Flags, etc. These are all important to know and I have studied them for years. One thing is for sure, even though the mainstream media does not talk about these conspiracies, there are many in alternative media who do. The problem lies not in if there are not enough voices. If there is a problem, it’s really who do you connect with the most to listen to. In short, nearly everyone in alternative media is talking about effects. I’m not throwing shade on that. It is necessary to know what is going on. Much of this is delivered by well intentioned individuals. I also intend to and have already discussed effects. But what about why? Do we ever try to understand why these effects have manifested? I hear ignorance come out of mouths like “Oh they are just Satanists,” or “Oh they just want to control people,” or even better; statists who believe in the illusion of authority saying, “I don’t want a one world government, just my country’s government.” People know about the Hegelian Dialectic of left vs right politics, but do they recognize the dialectic of statist vs globalist? Hmmm.

These are low tiered responses to not a complex problem. Like I said before, I’m not special. I am simply a man with conviction and courage willing to speak the truth no matter the consequences. I care not about consequences of doing what is right, nor the praise, likes, economic gains, ego attachment or ego stroking of my knowledge of the effects. Like Kant said, “Do the right thing for the right reason.” In my life I try to be what is referred to in Ancient Egyptian spirituality as a non doer. A non doer is free from the fruits of their actions because he/she is free from desires and expectations.

There are enough content creators on effects. And like Das Efx, “They Want EFX.” I get it. Sexy. Not enough creators are talking about objective morality. If you had to come up with a year in which online content regarding conspiracy theory really kicked off, it would be 2006. Yes, there was content before this and the OGs like Art Bell, G Edward Griffin, Stanley Monteith, William Cooper (all legends who are pioneers in this field, in which we are forever grateful) too. These men woke us up. We stand on their shoulders. Side note, G Edward Griffin is still the man; mad sharp at 92. But 2005,2006 was the starting point for modern dissemination of this information. To be fair, Loose Change dropped in 2005.

Tell me, other than more people being awake in 17, 18 years, what has changed? Really, what has changed in the aggregate, the realm of effects? Well, Chris, you might say, more people are aware of what is going on than they were in 2006 or 1991, when “Behold A Pale Horse” was released. So What? Yes, that’s good, but fires are still raging.

We are still under tyranny and a religious institution called government backed by coercion and violence. This government wages war on the truth, its citizens and their hearts and minds. And as I mentioned in my Where Does Authority Come From article, even people who have woken up have not woken all the way up. The men I mentioned above did their job, people have carried it on. This is to be recognized, no doubt. Obviously though, something is missing. Causal factors. Very few today in the truth movement talk about root causes. The law of Cause and Effect. You cannot get away from this. It is binding and immutable. It also does not matter if you know about it or not (like the child who walked off the cliff). So let’s know.

This leads me back to truth. You know what is NOT rooted in truth? Solipsism. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy describes Solipsism as “The belief that only oneself and one’s experience exists. Solipsism is the extreme consequence of believing that knowledge must be founded on inner, personal states of experience, and then failing to find a bridge whereby they can inform us of anything beyond themselves.”

Essentially this is saying “My truth is the truth.” Soren Kierkegaard gave two ways that people are ever fooled.

  1. They believe that which is not true.
  2. They refuse to accept that which is true.

Agree but I would add that these are the two main reasons that people suffer. Everyone knows deep within their hearts that there are some hard truths. Again, we aren’t speaking of belief systems. We are speaking of truth, that which is.


Morality is objective, not rooted in solipsism. Morality is not based on perception of human beings, feelings, beliefs, preferences or whims of man made laws. Morality does not change. What is moral at one place and time is moral at all places and times. What is immoral at one place and time is immoral everywhere and at any time. Legality does not equate to morality. Authority is based on coercion and violence which is ALWAYS immoral behavior.

Immanuel Kant called these principles Categorical Imperatives. Valid forever.

Authority is an untrue, illegitimate and immoral claim that has no basis in nature or reality. Natural Law is all about correctly understanding objective morality and then coming into union through it. How is union accomplished? Through consciousness, which I’ll discuss shortly.

What is moral and what is immoral? Moral actions are actions which are in harmony with Natural Law because they DO NOT INITIATE HARM to other sentient beings. Immoral actions are actions which are in opposition to Natural Law because they DO INITIATE HARM to other sentient beings.

What is a human right? This is intimately connected to objective morality. A right is an action that does NOT initiate harm to another sentient being. Key word there is initiate.

The Non Aggression principle is that it is immoral to initiate harm to another sentient being.

Every sentient being has the right to self defense, up to and including termination of life if their rights are violated. If the sentient being violated acts in self defense, only one act of violence occurred. The act of violence occurred with the initiator. The sentient being harmed acted in self defense. This is the self defense principle.

What is NOT a human right?

  1. Murder
  2. Assault
  3. Rape
  4. Theft
  5. Trespass
  6. Coercion
  7. Willfully Lying

We will expand on these at a later date and throughout my content, when I am speaking of effects. I’m really going to try and point out which violation of these seven occurred. Causes must be stressed in order for a better world. If more people truly understand their values and rights, then righteous anger will occur at a mass scale when violated. Unfortunately, we are far from that.

Natural Law

Let’s look at the words Natural and Law. Natural is inherent to and having a basis in reality and nature (not man made). Law is an existing condition that is both binding and immutable. Binding is having an effect that cannot be escaped. Immutable is unable to be changed by anything or anyone. Just like morality.

Natural Law is:

A set of Universal, non – man – made binding and unchangeable conditions which govern the behavioral consequences of beings with the capacity for holistic intelligence. These conditions are built in the fabric of reality like gravity and electromagnetism by the creator of the universe. This is not a belief system. It is observable, measurable and repeatable effects in our world. It is a science. A science of morality. Again, don’t believe me. Do your own research. Use the Trivium Method.

What is beautiful about Natural Law is that the creator gave us free will along with these binding and unchangeable conditions. We as a species have squandered that free will. Look at the effects. Consequences are manifested by the free will behaviors we choose. While we all have free will, we are not insulated from the consequences of our behaviors.

Maybe you agree with what I have covered, maybe you don’t. Doesn’t matter either way to the validity. It’s still true. It simply is. There is objective morality. Not moral relativism, not solipsism.

I ask a question I will return to at a later date? If it is not moral for a sentient being to commit one of the seven non rights above, where does the idea come from that an institution has the right to violate moral law? Again, I’ll refer to my article linked above but I will delve deeper into this at a later date.


“beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, “I’ve been mad for f*cking years, absolutely years” beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat”

-Pink Floyd “Speak to Me”

The first Hermetic Principle is the Principle of Mentalism. The All is Mind. This a universal truth. It is not evil. It simply is. This principle grasped can be used for good or bad. The Dark Occultists who know this truth and wish to keep it from the masses, use it’s knowledge along with the mapping of the human mind, to keep the masses in slavery; to bend to their will. The weak minded are under their spell.

Every form of manipulation is used to keep people docile, weak and subservient to them. This is done by propagating rank materialist thoughts and desires. No higher truths, no higher Self. Buy things, work, breads and circuses, look out for self, don’t look in to anything too much, be an automaton. Repeat.

This can be eradicated (causal solution) by each individual tapping into truth, morality and who they are and how they tick. This is where it starts. As Within so Without.

In Ancient Greece there was an inscription written upon the Temple of Apollo; the Oracle of Delphi in Greece. I will not write all of it here, only a few lines.

“If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside of yourself.

If you ignore the wonders of your own house, how do you expect to find other wonders?

In you is hidden the treasure of treasures.

Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.”

There are three aspects of consciousness.

  1. Mind – The Divine Masculine. The creator aspect. Any action taken in the aggregate (in 3 Dimensional space) had to first take place in the mind. This is the first Hermetic Principle.
  2. Spirit – The Divine Feminine. Our emotions. The internal aspect of consciousness. How we express ourselves is how we feel. We express it through our vibrations or energies. The third Hermetic Principle is The Principle of Vibration. Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates.
  3. Our Actions – The Divine Child born. The synthesis. What we actually do and put out into the world. Our behaviors. The child of our thoughts and emotions.

This is the Triune Aspect of Human Consciousness. This is the Trinity within. Mind, Body and Spirit.

We will expand on many of these truths and much more esoteric knowledge throughout my time here on planet Earth. I’m here till the end. Hope you are too.

Before I leave you, I want to say that Natural Law is the primary solution. It is the causal factor and coming into alignment with it is necessary for the upliftment and expansion of human consciousness. If that does not occur, expect nothing to change in the aggregate. Don’t take my word for it, take the last 17 years or 32 or thousands. However long tyranny, oppression, mental and spiritual slavery have persisted.

Many content creators also speak of external solutions. Exit and Build solutions like crypto, living off grid, growing your own food, etc. Again, well meaning people and these solutions are needed. I look forward to learning more about crypto, I’m green (pun intended) I admit.

However, these external solutions mean nothing if they are carried out by immoral people who have no control over their inner self. No Sovereignty over self, so therefore, no respect for the sovereignty of other people or their property. What good is a garden if immoral off grid people take it from you?

As long as objective morality, rights and Natural Law remain occulted (hidden) from those who would like to build a new society, expect nothing to change. Meet the new boss same as the old boss. Meet Napoleon, same as Robespierre, same as Louis XVI.

I leave you with this video below to contemplate what I just said regarding external solutions along with this question. What do Lex Fridman and “Former CIA Agent” Andrew Bustamante completely skip over? Is Solipsism in play here? Are people making up the rules as they go? Whose rules? Could it be that one person has decided what the truth is, pushed that out in a sly manner (in accordance with training) onto a malleable mind?

I also want to say that it is not lost on me that Lex is wearing a black and white suit. Andrew is in regular “cool dude bro” wolf in sheep’s clothing. You could say that Lex is dressed like a chessboard. You could even say he is wearing the colors of the pieces on the board. Andrew is dressed as if he is just sitting down to play the game. The Chess Master. The micro imitating the macro. For now at least. That can change one mind at a time. The choice is ours. It always has been.

As Above So Below. As Within So Without.