Be the Action, Shine Bright and Engulf the Darkness

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When does anticipating a move that may never come start to stagnate the human condition

Chris Youngblood August 28, 2023

I’m sure many of you have seen these telegraphed rumors that lockdowns are coming back, masking will be required in some places and 2020 and 2021 will be repeated. Many websites, alternative news organizations (including ones I respect), and social media have been spouting this and talking about what people should do, stand up to tyranny and so forth. Even though I know there is good intent behind this, let’s explore whether this anticipation is good for those who will act.

Many of us DID act in defense of freedom during the Covid delusion. Why wouldn’t we now? Do we really need a ramp up? What energy are we giving up in this hypothetical reality that has not transpired which could be harnessed elsewhere? I am all for keeping up on current events to an extent but is this “leak” a ruse? Why do I or many freedom loving humans need to be amped up for a day that may never come? Could this be a mechanism for having us so trapped into a fear based anticipation of the next move that we will be paralyzed to act?

There are also many people who have admitted they were fooled (which is quite noble) and vow they won’t make the same mistake twice. Could this anticipation hinder their fight or flight?

Shouldn’t Maui be on everyone’s mind right now instead of these rumors and Trump? Are we just moving on as a society to the next act in the wizard’s grand show of trickery that we are so amazed by instead of turning our backs on?

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

-Karl Rove speaking to journalist Ron Susskind

There is no respect for the non actors ie the rest of us from the so called elite. They play with our minds and emotions like a game. But what if we just walked away from that game? What would happen? Like Hollywood, would they be out of work?

Better yet, how about in addition to walking away from their games, when they actually do decide to act (instead of threatening to act), we show them what true action is. Pure action.

When one knows oneself, truly knows in the depths of their being, who they are, there is no compromise, there is no conflict and drawing from their experience of what they have done before, they will do again. You do not need someone who wants to control you to taunt you or threaten. There is a scene in “Enter the Dragon,” where Bruce Lee is about to fight Ohara. Ohara is a big imposing man, played by Bruce Lees’ student, Bob Wall. Ohara bows to Bruce and then breaks a board in front of him. Bruce, smirking says, “Boards, don’t hit back.”

Bruce went on to put two one inch punches right into Ohara’s face, dropping him to his knees in such a swift fashion I picture Ohara experiencing intense pain and a bright light.

A bully might tell you what they will do to you, or even demonstrate (like a leak for instance) but until they actually put up their dukes and all the talk is gone, the only thing that matters is action. A bully might talk a great game, and sometimes that’s to get in your head.

Heavyweight boxing champion and all time great Evander Holyfield never talked trash. As much as people tried to goat him, he was solid as oak (both figuratively and literally). I heard Mike Tyson once say of Evander, “Evander doesn’t do that, he waits.”

Evander had one of the most solid uncompromising stare downs in the ring of anyone ever. It was one of a man who was not going to cooperate and frankly hadn’t heard or given two thoughts to any shit his opponent talked. And he handled his business. That’s one of the many reasons he was called, “The Real Deal.”

I look at that Karl Rove quote as a challenge to the human race. Let’s not give them the satisfaction. And, let’s focus on ourselves, our families and communities. If unhealthy actions are taken against us (like depriving us of oxygen), we simply don’t comply. And this doesn’t mean you have to be violent or even antagonizing. Simply state that you are a human being whose life has value, you have the right (given by the creator) to decide what is healthy for you. You aren’t hurting someone else (this has been proven now in study after study) so there is no wrong being committed. It’s really that simple. The reason people don’t look at it so simply is because they have been implanted with fear; fear of many things, like fear of so called authority, fear of social circumstances, fear of going against the crowd. But when all that fear blows away, just like Frank Herbert beautifully said in Dune, all that’s left will be me and you. All that’s left will be action. Action rooted in truth.

I posit that this new drop is a ploy to stagnate and demoralize people who aren’t so sure and rev up people who are sure. Either way, it’s a game. Don’t play. We know what to do, we’ve done it before.

Be action, be light. Not a light that merely illuminates a corner of darkness. Be BLINDING light that covers all corners of the earth where no leach sucking off the fear of souls will be able to hide. Be blinding so that others who yearn for freedom but lack the courage will gain. And that light will be blinding because it appeared swiftly, booming out of nothingness, out of darkness. Be pure act.

“Let anyone try forgetting all he knows of the age and its actual relativity which is so enhanced by familiarity, and then arrive, as it were, from another world: if he were then to read a book or an article in the papers, or merely to speak to some passerby, his impression would be: ‘Good heavens, something is going to happen tonight – or perhaps something happened the night before last.’ A revolutionary age is an age of action; ours is the age of advertisement and publicity. Nothing ever happens but there is immediate publicity everywhere.”

-Soren Kierkegaard from “The Present Age” 1846