By Yona Aniwodi
January 2, 2025
From whole cloth, cut each new piece;
data to scrape, veins to rape, profit feast.
Take the best from the East to the West.
Sequential revelations diligently professed.
Techno clergy bedecked in vests of theosophleece.
Words hypnotize, thoughts romanticize, soothing lies.
Brains paralyze, narratives sterilized, never the wise.
Audiences monetized, emotions exercised, gurus upon high.
Hoi polloi pacified, facts mystified, loyally comply.
Influencers got the feels in the reels, anaesthisize.
Logged in, no perambulation, artificial sensations.
Algorithmic manipulation, program indoctrination.
Keystrokes stored, obedience reward, logic ignored.
Dissent overboard, submit to overlord, hoist sword.
Constant persuasion, hearts raging, no hesitation.