Herbal Teas

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One for $8

Two for $16

Goddess Moon Tea

Warming & Nourishing
Great for women during menstruation to elevate pain, supports reproductive system & organs

Ingredients: Calendula, Red Raspberry Leaf, Ginger, Wild Cherry Bark, Red Clover, Cinnamon

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address

Fairy Tea Party Tea

Colorful herbal tea blend
Magical herbs that fairies love & live in. This tea will help you enter the fairy realm, igniting your 3rd eye & connecting to the flowers.
***Mugwort used with caution.
Not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers

Ingredients: Butterfly Peaberry Flower, Blue Corn Flower, Red Raspberry Leaf, Dandelion Root, Elderberries, Mugwort, Chamomile, Rose petals

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address

Aloha Digest Herbal Tea

Aloha digest tea helps soothe & support digestive system.
Great after dinner tea

Ingredients: Lemon Grass, Mamaki Green Tea, Hibiscus Flower, Orange peel, Lemon peel, Ginger root

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address

Herbal Love Tea

Open your heart chakra with this lovely herbal tea!
Romantic and aphrodisiac. Warming and sensual

Ingredients: Rose petals, Palisade Lavender, Damiana leaf, Rosemary, Jasmin flowers, Maui Hibiscus flowers

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address

Head Ease Herbal Tea

Helps with intense headaches
Calming and relaxing

Ingredients: Basil, Lemon balm, Chamomile, Lavender

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address

Seasonal Allergy Tea

Tea super healthful in relieving seasonal allergy symptoms like sneezing, coughing, runny nose & watery eyes

Ingredients: Peppermint, Stinging Nettle, Lemon Balm, Ginger Root, Oat Straw

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address

Pregnancy Herbal Tea

Herbs that support & nourish mother’s reproduction systems & organs.
Safe for pregnancy and nursing mothers

Ingredients: Stinging Nettle, Red Raspberry, Oat Straw, Alfalfa Leaf, Lemon Balm, Rose Hips, Rose petals

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address

Bittersweet Digest Tea

Nourishing and supportive herbs for digestive system. Great for everyone. Helpful and safe for children

Ingredients: Yarrow, Stinging Nettle, Lemon Balm, Oat Straw, Lemon peel, Ginger Root

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address

Lucid Dreams Herbal Tea

Lucid dream while your get restful slumber.
This blend relaxes your body and conscious busy mind for sleep while keeping your subconscious mind be supported for more vivid dreams and Lucid dreams, where you can be the author of your dream state. Helps with dream recall and positive dream-work.

Ingredients: Egyptian Blue Lotus Flower, Mugwort, Peppermint, Rose petals, Ginkgo biloba, Chamomile, Lavender

Email Miriah at gypsymiriah@gmail.com with quantity, total, payment method & shipping address