Is the Hive Mind possibility here or is AI just the new mechanism?
Chris Youngblood July 5, 2023
HG Wells gave lectures on what he conceived as a World Brain for mankind. A book was published on these lectures. There are many quotes, some of which I will disect here, but I was thinking that in recent times we have arrived at this consciousness where modern man does not critically think on his own. There are many reasons for this, one being the cybernetic freeway that has integrated itself into mass consciousness. I won’t go into how that process was brought about.
“I will ask you to imagine how this World Encyclopedia organization would enter into his life and how it would affect him. From his point of view the World Encyclopedia would be a row of volumes in his own home or in some neighboring house or in a convenient library…. find in clear understandable language the ruling concepts of our social order (emphasis mine) and if by any chance he wanted to pursue a question into it’s ultimate detail, a trustworthy and complete system of reference to primary sources of knowledge.”
-HG Wells World Brain
Obviously when HG Wells spoke these words at a meeting of the Royal Institution of Great Britain in 1936, there wasn’t the Internet. However, does Wikipedia and/or Google searches come to mind? The majority of people do a search and don’t look past the first page or even half page. The “ruling concepts of our social order” are on display. Additionally, true researchers are discussing how the Internet is shrinking. For a great video on this see Truthstream Media “Where did the Internet Go?”
Wells goes on to say, “The modern World Encyclopedia should consist of selections, extracts, quotations, very carefully assembled with the approval of outstanding authorities in each subject, carefully collated and edited and critically presented. It would be a concentration, a synthesis.” Those would be controllers sure do like their Hegelian synthesis don’t they? I mean, why would anyone want to get different viewpoints, perspectives, research, facts when it can all be handed to you on a silver platter without thinking? And then, we can all live sleeping in a world the hive mind agrees upon, just like what Napoleon said about history (History is a lie agreed upon).
More quotes from Wells. “Such an Encyclopedia would play the role of an undogmatic Bible to a world culture. It would do just what our scattered and disoriented intellectual organizations of today fall short of doing. It would hold the world together mentally.” That, my friends, is a Hive Mind, a neat little synthesis for Scientific controllers who despise or outright reject (like Yuval Harari) free will.
“This World Encyclopedia would be a clearing house of misunderstandings, it would be deliberately a synthesis (there’s that word again) and so act as a test and a filter for a very great quantity of human misapprehension. It would compel men to come to terms with one another.” How does it go about compelling man to do so? Censorship? Fact checking?
What makes me laugh when I think about Technocrats is their utter lack of understanding that there will always be men and women who refuse to be controlled and activate the divine spark and will within themselves. Humankind’s ability to accomplish incredible feats is extraordinary. The will to be free and act on one’s own authority without hurting the freedom of another is built into us. We are programmed through years of schooling, work, media, movies and just plain politeness (not rocking the boat) to be passive and keep that spark dormant. Don’t ask questions, don’t challenge the teacher, don’t question income taxes. Only question the scientists the system approves.
“You see how such an Encyclopedic organization could spread like a nervous network, a system of mental control about the globe, knitting all the intellectual workers of the world through a common interest and a common medium of expression into a more and more conscious co operating unit..informing without pressure or propaganda, directing without tyranny.”
-HG Wells World Brain
That is the Internet, is it not? People are spouting fear and trepidation at AI and how it will be the only source one day. I’m not impressed frankly. We’ve had AI for awhile. The drone of a brain who sits in front of television hours on end, simply receiving and consuming without actively seeking. The student who gets all his answers from Chat GPT is only saving a few steps than most of us Gen Xers did in college. We were no better really, it’s just a different mechanism. I also remember dipping into Encyclopedia Britannica for grade school reports. Is it no surprise that most “adults” don’t do their own research? If you are not awake or a researcher, most likely you don’t do your own research, and for God’s sakes man, the experts told you in 2020 don’t do your own research.
HG Wells was definitely a proponent of a New World Order, he even wrote a book with that title. I just wanted to focus in this post on his thoughts of controlling how man literally sees life, politics, history, etc. Knowing this about him, as well as his Social Darwinist beliefs, I shutter to imagine a droned public accepting his and his cohorts (like Bertrand Russel) views a priori.
Bertrand Russell wrote on page 27 of ‘The Impact of Science on Society,’ “This subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakeable conviction that snow is black. The opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”
Wells, Russell and many others like Harari basically lay out what they and the scientific technocratic experts will do to keep the plebs in line. We see it playing out today. It will be considered morbid to say snow is white reminds me of how now apparently vaccines always were meant to just stop you from getting seriously infected and if you say differently you are just plain weird.
Many researchers and people who have woken up to how the world really works do their own research and weigh different viewpoints. This requires diligence, perseverance and going down rabbit holes. But it is required, it is one of the three aspects of the Trivium. The would be controllers absolutely fear an informed public. They must take drastic steps but I argue they have done this for a long time.
I sometimes wonder what it must have been like to sit around a family room before radio and read books out loud to your family. That is quite a different engagement on the consumer of that information. The pauses and inflection of the speaker allow one to really soak in the information and ask questions. I just intuitively feel that those people were less susceptible to base passions than post modern man. Also, less susceptible to control of the mind because one is searching, processing life experience and asking many questions in those moments. I do feel that online podcasts and video chats have brought that back in a new form though, and I love that engagement.
One last quote from Wells in World Brain. “The world has to pull its mind together and this is the beginning of it’s effort. The world is a Phoenix. It perishes in flames and even as it dies it is born again. This synthesis of knowledge is the necessary beginning to the new world.”
Many people with esoteric knowledge, and knowing that Wells was a 33 degree Freemason, will see his reference to the Phoenix. I believe the Phoenix can be a beautiful symbol to rise anew and stronger from the ashes of trauma, heartache, devastation. However, as all occultists know, the dark occultists will use symbology for their own ends. Wells and others like him see the world as imperfect because it was made out of chance, not by a creative divine mind. They want to remake it out of the ashes of the old. We as a human race can start to take our power back by exercising our autonomy through intellectual self defense. We are given by God the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That pursuit of happiness is the ongoing search for truth, aligning oneself with truth and being so strongly rooted in truth that no gaslighting tyranny will bring your carbon trunk down.
Don’t fear the AI.
Wells, HG. “World Brain.” Read Books Ltd. 2016
Russell, Bertrand. “The Impact of Science on Society.” Routledge Classics 2016. First Edition 1952.